Friends of Madison Park is exploring options to create a Community Center. We want to start the discussion at our next Neighborhood Meeting-October 30th (6:30-8) at the Bathhouse.
*What would residents like to see included in a Community Center?
*Where could it be located?
*How could we make this happen financially and when?
*Would you be interested in being on a committee to explore this project?
Attend our October meeting. Kevin Larkin and Jon Zulauf, FOMP’s Exploring a Clubhouse Committee chairs, will facilitate the discussion.
TREE LIGHTING along the business district begins October 25th! Ornaments with donor names to follow shortly.
BOOS AND BREWS pub crawl livens up our neighborhood October 28th 7 p.m. to midnight. Stroll our local Pubs, from Madison Valley, Arboretum Court to Madison Park. A portion of your libations payments is donated to Friends of Madison Park
NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING, October 30- 6:30-8 Bathhouse. (agenda here)
TRICK O’ TREAT with the kids October 31st from 4-6 at the Madison Park shops; photos and more treats from the Madison Park Co-op Preschool at the Bathhouse.
WARMTH AND WINE FUNDRAISER: $75/ ticket gets you 10 wine tastings, jazz music and a small silent auction. November 4th, 6-9 p.m. at Parkshore’s beautiful Lake View Room. Register NOW before all tickets are gone. If any glitches signing up, please reach out to
SHOP LOCAL- Saturday November 11 (Please note date change from Nov. 4) and Saturday December 9thbrowse the area shops for all your holiday gifts.
COOKIN’ is our featured business in this month’s Business Profile. Check it out!
Information on December Events coming next week.