Make a Donation or Join Today
You can click here, the button below, or scan the QR code with your phone to make a one-time donation or to join as a sustaining member. Your ongoing support helps us keep producing events where neighbors connect - like the Children’s Parade, Concerts in the Park, and work on projects like beautifying Madison Park.
Donate to the Beautify Madison Park Campaign
Our current special campaign is to help beautify the Madison Park Neighborhood and downtown Madison Street. You can learn more about the campaign and donate at the campaign page. Our initial goal is to fund 20 flowering planters along the Madison Park business area - to purchase planters with year round evergreen and annual plantings and their maintenance. Some of them are already in place - let us know what you think and support the campaign today!
More Information
The recurring donations are processed through GiveButter.com. You may adjust or stop the recurring donation at any time. Friends of Madison Park is a non-profit corporation with IRS 501(c)3 status, your donation will qualify as a deductible charitable contribution to the extent the law provides.
Official Entity Name - Madison Park Community Council dba Friends of Madison Park | Federal Tax ID - 91-1057136
Thank you for your support!
Donate by Check
To: Friends of Madison Park
PO Box 48, 4111 E Madison St, Unit 2
Seattle, WA 98112