Volunteer Opportunities
There are so many ways to volunteer with Friends of Madison Park! Here are a few of the projects we are currently working on but we have many ways that you can share your strengths and talents with your community. Fill out our form below, and our volunteer coordinator will work to find a role that fits you or email us directly at volunteer@friendsofmadisonpark.com.
Park Improvement Project
📅 Time Commitment: 2-8 hours/month
🔹Support the Madison Park Bathhouse Renovation & Shoreline Restoration Project by contributing expertise in legal matters, planning, or major donor fundraising.
Children’s Parade- Day of Help and Event Planning
📅 Time Commitment: 3-10 hours monthly (Spring/Summer) and day of event volunteering.
🔹 Help organize the Children’s Parade & Concert, including coordinating with performers, setting up parade routes, and ensuring a fun and safe event for families.
Music in the Park Planner
📅 Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per event (Spring/Summer) and afternoon of events volunteering.
🔹 Assist with setup, greeting attendees, managing crowd flow, and helping with cleanup at the summer Concerts in the Park series.
OneSeattle Zoning & City Liaison
📅 Time Commitment: 2-6 hours monthly.
🔹 Keep informed on OneSeattle Zoning developments, provide updates to the community in community meetings, and function as a liaison between Friends of Madison Park and the city.
Easter Egg Hunt- Assistant Coordinator
📅 Time Commitment: 3-6 hours monthly (Spring/Summer) and day of event volunteering
🔹 Plan and organize the annual Easter Egg Hunt, including getting supplies, setting up event logistics, and coordinating volunteers to hide eggs and manage the day of the event.
Party for the Park Event Planner
📅 Time Commitment: 5-7 hours/monthly (Spring/Summer/Fall); increased hours in the month leading up to the event. Also lots of opportunities for day of event volunteering
🔹 Collaborate with the Friends of Madison Park team to plan and execute the annual Party for the Park fundraiser and auction.
Get Involved Today
Frequently Asked Questions
I want to volunteer. How much time does it take up?
As much or as little as you want to give. Being on a committee can involve meetings of an hour or so and helping with any tasks that need to done -booking performers, posting a newsletter, organizing an event or program. Board members meet on a monthly basis and provide support to the relevant committee or volunteers. Come to a Neighborhood Meeting to find out more or contact us to meet for an informal discussion to see what suits.
What experience do I need?
None. You just need a big heart, a vested interest in the community and a few hours to help make this the neighborhood we all want to live in. But if you have experience in running events, marketing, finance, legal/governance, or any professional skill that can help that works for us too!
What's in it for me?
Certainly not vast wealth and glamor! All positions are unpaid. But you will meet some great people, have fun, feel great pride in what we do and know that you are a big part in what makes our neighborhood so special.
Do I have to live in Madison Park?
To be a Board member you have to live/work/go to school in Madison Park or an adjoining neighborhood. To volunteer or be on a committee you just have to love Madison Park.
Anything else I need to know?
Nope. Just send us a message through the contact us page. Happy to answer any questions and meet for an informal chat. List of what we need in the immediate is posted here. Friends of Madison Park can provide more “job” descriptions and whatever support you need to get started. And tap a friend, neighbor to help you out.