OneSeattle Re-Zone Plan

Friends of Madison Park wants to increase community awareness and understand the near and long term impact of the OneSeattle Planning and Community Development Re-Zoning Plan to our neighborhood and city. Madison Park is part of District 3 Growth Plan.

Join us for our planning meeting to meet other members of the Madison Park neighborhood and sign up for roles related to:

  • Research

  • Communications

  • Writing

Here is a link to “The Impact of the One Seattle Plan in Madison Park” petition, detailing the community support for affordable housing and increased density but also expressing concerns re the Plan’s environmental/livability impact to our neighborhood and to Lake Washington.

It also encourages the Seattle City Council to factor in Madison Park’s existing multi-family housing, community walkability and existence as a Neighborhood Center in its present form and in compliance with the 2035 Urban Village model. Please read, choose to sign or not, leave your comments.

And here is a Sample Letter as a base for additional letters to submit to the Council. Copy and paste, add to or subtract and email to: and All council members.

Share with your neighbors.