Help Protect McGilvra Elementary School!

What’s this about?

The Seattle Public Schools deficit has grown to $105 million and SPS is facing a significant budget deficit for the next school year (2024-25). The deficit is the result of several factors, including persistent gaps in basic education funding from the state and declining enrollment. Recent budget gaps have been closed using one-time state and federal resources that are no longer available. The district needs to make difficult decisions to fund its next budget.

What does this mean for McGilvra?

In August, SPS hosted community meetings to develop “a shared understanding of what resources, programs, services, and learning make up a well-resourced school.” Although the district framed these conversations around the topic of “well-resourced schools,” the discussions took place because of the budget gap. It is highly likely that the solution to the budget deficit will include closing and consolidating schools, even though closures would count for no more than 20% of the budget gap.

While we have not been explicitly told that McGilvra is at risk, we are one of the smallest schools.

Other communities are mobilizing; it is critical that we speak up in support of our school.

What will happen next?

SPS leaders will use the input gathered at the Well-Resourced School meetings and through a survey to finalize plans for the future. They will make an announcement in November about future SPS funding, including possible school closures.

Here are things you can do to help secure McGilvra’s future!

1. Write a letter

Make your voice heard and tell Seattle Public Schools how important it is to your family that McGilvra remains open. Use the PTA’s letter template and write ASAP to Bev Redmond, Chief of Staff, Seattle Public Schools ( and Michelle Sarju, our SPS board member ( Please refer to the letter for more tips and suggestions.

2. Attend the online community meeting on Tuesday, September 26 at 5:30 p.m.

Attend the meeting here ( Be sure to note that you are a McGilvra family when you log in (wear McGilvra gear, make yourself a name tag, and mention it every time you speak or put a comment in the chat.)

Letter to SPS Template

Dear Ms. Redmond (or Ms. Sarju):

I am the [parent / supporter / etc ] of a McGilvra Elementary student and I am writing to urge you to keep McGilvra open, as you look to make significant changes to address the SPS budget deficit.

McGilvra has the resources necessary to meet the district’s vision of a well-resourced school.

We have green space, clean air, and a safe, beautiful building.

The turf field is a unique asset that sits alongside an excellent playground, a beautiful working garden, and many big trees.

We’re on a quiet residential street in a thriving, safe neighborhood far away from highways, which can increase a child’s likelihood to develop asthma.

Our building is fully fenced, has a new security system, a new cafeteria and multi-purpose space, and ample natural light in the classrooms thanks to the building's high ceilings and large windows throughout.

We have strong academic and extracurricular resources, including an art program, a full-time academic intervention teacher, a well-established early-intervention reading support program, and onsite afterschool care and enrichment to support working families.

We have strong faculty and staff members who know every student well. A well resourced school also means knowing the students and what resources they need to thrive. At McGilvra, the teachers know the children and their families. When parents and teachers have strong relationships, as they do at McGilvra, students are less likely to get lost and more likely to be connected to the resources they need.

It’s very important to my family and many others that McGilvra stays open.

[Add a personal story that illustrates the strength of the school community and the educational opportunities it offers. Consider sharing concerns about how a possible closure of McGilvra could affect your child]

In short, McGilvra is an excellent school with a strong community and assets that make it poised to support SPS’ vision of success for every student. Thank you for considering my perspective and thank you for your service to our children.



Letter Instructions and Guide

Don’t forget to remove the [insert here blocks] before sending.

  • Be positive and respectful in your letter.

  • The overarching message is that we love McGilvra and we want every child in the district to thrive.

Send your letter!

  • Send To: Bev Redmond, Chief of Staff, Seattle Public Schools at

  • OR John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence at 2445 3rd Ave S, Seattle WA 98134

  • Also send to our SPS board member, Michelle Sarju, at

  • When you send your letter, please CC

Please email if you have questions, comments or suggestions!


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