Neighborhood Happenings

Wreath Making Class. Sign up for the Wreath Making class December 9th from 10-12 at the Bathhouse. There are only 20 spots (we’ve added 5 for the class and 9 are already filled so sign up soon! (sorry for the broken link in the last newsletter!)

Santa at the Madison Park Beach House. On Thursday, December 21st at 6pm, Santa arrives at the Madison Park Beach House (not 5:00). Thank you so much to Windermere Madison Park for making sure Santa is on his way and for complimentary photos with him!

Last Neighborhood Meeting of 2023. Monday, December 4th at 6:30pm is our last Neighborhood meeting of 2023. (Please note there is no meeting Nov, 27th). The meeting agenda will be posted the week before. We are working on our 2024 neighborhood meetings calendar and will provides updates soon.

November is the Month of Giving. You should be receiving the Circle of Friends mailer, letting you know what we do and reminding you that November 28th marks National Giving Tuesday.

Toy Drive for Wellspring Family Services. The Madison Park Toy Drive for Wellspring Family Services is underway. Last year, the program provided gifts for over 1,500 children. This year, they’ve had requests for 1,800 kids. Wellspring tries to provide three gifts per child. Bins are at Red Wagon Toys, Parkshore, The Power Petite, The Original Children’s Shop, Madison Park Pharmacy, and McGilvra Elementary. All toys will be collected December 11th.

Northwest Harvest bins are at Starbucks, Madison Park Hardware, Madison Park Pharmacy and McGilvra’s Pub. November =clothing donations and December= food donations. Two closely located organizations working toward ending hunger are Backpack Brigade (sponsored by Home Street Bank) and Peoples Pop-Up Pantry (affiliated with Madrona Moms).

New Business Profile. Check out our new Business Profile of Leone & Vaughn on our business page. Friends of Madison Park so appreciates their sponsorship for our Warmth and Wine event.

Public Safety Resources. Please check out the Public Safety section of our website for links and information. It is under the Resources tab.




Let the Seasons Begin….