Working Together

Friends of Madison Park (FOMP) is pleased to announce that it is merging with the Madison Park Community Council (MPCC) to continue our common mission to enhance and support our neighborhood with events, programs and representation.

 In order to accomplish that goal and in accordance with the bylaws of MPCC, a special meeting is being called by the former MPCC Board president Karen Kane, to be held in conjunction with the previously scheduled June 26th Friends of Madison Park Board meeting.

 At that time, members will elect a new Board of Directors for the MPCC. The legal entity of the Madison Park Community Council will remain the same for filings with the Secretary of State and the IRS but we will be registering with DOR as doing business as Friends of Madison Park . This allows Friends to retain the non-profit status previously obtained by the legal entity of MPCC and continue with its goal of raising tax-deductible funds for events and projects in our community.

 For all communications and other purposes in the neighborhood, Friends of Madison Park will be the face of MPCC. The website will remain as it is now.

 In order to ensure the validity of this transition and the Board election, this notice is being posted 10 days prior to the June 26th meeting at 6:30 at the Bathhouse. A quorum of 30 members (residents of or those with a vested interest in Madison Park) is required to vote for the new Board.

 The slate of officers proposed for the new Board of Directors is based on the Board previously elected by FOMP and is as follows: 

  • Chairperson - Octavia Chambliss

  • Vice Chairperson - Mary Beth McAteer

  • Secretary - Emily Morton

  • Treasurer - Diane Buckley

  • Events Co-Directors - Libby Samuelson and Robin Kilwine

  • Communications - Erik Wicklund

  • Community Engagement Coordinator - Meg Bartley

  • Business Engagement Coordinator - Courtney Kennett

  • City of Seattle Liaison - Brooke Fulton

  • Member-at-Large - Kip White

  • Member-at-Large - Anita Carmin

 Ballots will be provided at the meeting to vote for the incoming Board.

 Our deepest thanks to the Madison Park Community Council’s Karen Kane, Robert Sylvester and Hunter Robbins for working with the Friends of Madison Park to so graciously implement this transition as we go forward. And to Marc Droppert for his invaluable legal guidance throughout this process.




June has Arrived