Leone & Vaughn Orthodontics

 You can attribute a lot of happy smiles in Madison Park to Leone and Vaughn Orthodontics.  In addition to creating beautiful straight teeth for their patients, Dr. Paola Leone and Dr. Gregory Vaughn are generous supporters of our community. We’re grateful for their recent sponsorship of our successful Warmth & Wine fundraising event.


Married and the parents of three children (one who’s currently attending The Bush School), Drs. Leone and Vaughn opened their Madison Park office in Arboretum Court in 2003. As patients – and parents of young patients – can attest, it’s a big bonus having the family orthodontist just minutes from home and school.  

While most patients live in Madison Park and nearby areas, the busy practice also attracts patients from other states and countries who travel in for appointments.

 A far cry from the orthodontist office many of us might recall from childhood, the recently remodeled Leone and Vaughn space is friendly and fun.  And unlike the braces many of us remember, seventy percent of patients opt for clear Invisalign aligners. Drs. Leone and Vaughn were among the first orthodontists to offer Invisalign.

Something else you might not expect: Sixty percent of L&V patients are adults. The Board Certified orthodontists have treated patients in their 80s, noting that improvement is possible at any age.

 Dr. Leone grew up in Italy. Dr. Vaughn was born and raised in Olympia, Washington. In their free time, the couple enjoy participating in their kids’ active lives and speeding down the slopes on their snowboards.


Windermere Madison Park
