Our Neighborhood is Back!

July has begun with a fantastic turn out of the community for 2 significant events for Madison Park- LOVE HAPPENS HERE on July 11 and the CHILDREN’S PARADE AND PICNIC on July 15.

Love Happens Here had roughly 150 people gather to support our local businesses with speakers from the City and community. Here is a short clip of the evening. https://youtu.be/RgXcizOB9D4.

This was followed on Saturday by over 200 people participating in the Children’s Parade and Picnic- despite some serious hot weather. The parade was followed by sack races, balloons, watermelon eating contest, face painting, snow cones- the day had it all for families. Here is also a short clip of the fabulous day! https://youtu.be/AWZIKxKji3M

And it wasn’t all play- over 20 volunteers weeded and mulched at the Prospect Preserve Work Party on July 8th. This was a huge help in nurturing the street end park for everyone’s enjoyment.

Music in the Park Series begins Thursday August 3rd at 6:30-8. So bring your picnic blankets and dinner to enjoy the evening in the park. The first band is and see more details of the upcoming concerts on our events page.

National Night Out Event, hosted by Parkshore, will be on Tuesday, August 1 between 5 and 7 on 43rd Ave E between E. Garfield and E. Blaine. The Block Party will feature food, games and music. (see our Events page for more details)

Friends of Madison Park Board monthly meeting is on Monday July 31 at the Madison Park Bathhouse. The Board and Committees will be meeting at 6:30 to handle administrative business and the neighborhood meeting will be from 7-8 p.m.


Summer Happenings
