Colorful window at Madison Park Hardware
Schools are letting out; summer gear is being unearthed and Madison Park is planning a summer of events. Keep a lookout on our Instagram and Facebook pages for weekly postings on Madison Park shops, environs, events, photos and more.
Neighborhood Meeting on Monday June 24th at 6:30 at the Bathhouse.
Our Agenda is here. Some of the topics to be discussed are:
We are now waiting for the decision on school closures from the Seattle School District. McGilvra Elementary School will provide updates on their status at our meeting.
2. Friends of Madison Park is conducting a survey at the beach and around the neighborhood this summer to ask about use of our beach and park and thoughts on any improvements. You can take the survey online (coming soon) or respond to short questionnaire in person.
3. Madison Park Co-op Preschool is hosting a Yoga Series this summer. Check out the schedule and costs.
4. Friends of Madison Park is meeting quarterly with the Mayor’s office. Top on our list is to have a crosswalk installed at the corner of E Howe and 43rd Ave E- leading from the playground to the beach and preschool. We need to have a campaign to push the city into action on that request. Would you like to be involved? Please reach out here.
5. Everyone is out walking, walking these days and our yards are bouncing back from the winter and foliage is growing too. Please be a good neighbor and be sure that your vegetation is not overgrowing into the sidewalk and obstructing full access for walkers (and their dogs). Lots of information on what is allowed on the City website.
6. Volunteer Needs- A Volunteer Coordinator (3 hrs/month); a Bookkeeper (2-3 hrs/month), a volunteer with Fundraising Experience (3 hrs/month); a Grant writer (3 hrs/month); Committee Chair for Speaker/Author Series (2 hrs/month), Welcome Committee (2 hrs/month). Contact us here.
Friends of Madison Park has two of our Key volunteers moving away this summer. Libby Samuelson and Robin Kilwine have been HUGE helpers getting Friends of Madison Park on its feet and they will be sorely missed. Thank you, thank you! Two of our committee leads are also stepping away (but hoping we can lure them back in the future). Elizabeth Talbot launched our Children’s Parade and Picnic last summer and Barbara Ireland stewarded our Tuesday TED Talks this winter. Thank you both for such wonderful energy and organizational skills and making these events successful.
Behind the scenes and through many meetings and emails, the volunteers that make Friends of Madison Park hum, go unsung too often. But this is an incredible group of neighbors and we need more to step into roles that require some commitment but with returns and community that make it all worthwhile. See our list of Committee Chairs and Board HERE. Join us HERE.
Kudos also to one of our neighbors- Bert Philipp- for single-handedly working hard to be sure our community has clear access to the water at our North Beach park. He has again this year cleared piles of blackberries and weeds for the enjoyment of us all! Thank you, Bert!
Friends of Madison Park will be having a Fall Clean-up Day in a few months- after the success of our Spring Clean Day. Watch for notices and join us.
Beautify Madison Park
Have you noticed??? The first 10 planters have now been placed along the business district and are being cared for by Cevin and Audrey Jacobson. This is Friends’ first step in beautifying the business area and beyond. Thanks so much to those who have stepped up to support this first phase of Beautify Madison Park: Bob and Martha Sander, Ewing & Clark, The Jacobsen Building, Michael and Nafessa Hassim, Hillside and 39th E neighbors group, “The Booth” honoring Linda McGill, Erika Nesholm, Michelle Rubin, Sheila Bishop, Cynthia Rodgers, Hai Wu and Kieran McDonald, Gabe Gravning and Anonymous. (Please accept apologies if I have left out anyone).
Our goal is to begin planting under the business area trees in the Fall and add 10-12 more containers for both sides of East Madison; the estimated budget for the Fall is $25,000. We need YOUR support on all levels to make this happen. Our first planters are a peek at our neighborhood with lush greenery, flowers and beauty year round. We are also looking for volunteers to help with this project and start the process of applying for a Business Improvement Area partnership with the City of Seattle in 2024. Please Donate HERE and Please Volunteer HERE.
Looking for Volunteers for day of Event! Sign Up HERE.
Bring your picnic blanket and dine in our park to the music of this year’s bands. Thanks So Much to this year’s Sponsors and the amazing committee members that organize this August multi-night event!
The Madison Park Times is no longer available in the periodical boxes or Bert’s but still available online and at Ewing & Clark, Coldwell Banker Bain and Windermere. Friends has reached out to see if there is an easy method to add subscribers to receive the paper at home. If you live at one of their older subscriber homes, you are in luck. But because they cannot add bulk mailings below 200 new subscribers, you are not able to get the paper before they reach that goal. “To send copies to these readers, we need a separate mailing list, which is our goal. The post office requires a minimum of 200 subscribers to use bulk mail.”.
If you want to subscribe for a delivered paper, email them at Once they reach 200 emails, they will start a new mailing list.
Friends of Madison Park’s Mission
Promoting a resilient and civically-engaged community by connecting neighbors. Creating a welcoming and inclusive neighborhood through cultural and multi-generational engagement and outreach. Fostering neighborhood pride by promoting a beautiful, vibrant, and respectful community.