This is a special Newsletter to remind the community that Madison Park is facing major zoning changes in 2025 under the mayor’s One Seattle Plan. Friends of Madison Park wants to be sure the community is aware of these significant changes and has an opportunity to comment on them by the Deadline of December 20th.

Here is a sample letter from a neighbor. Please adapt this letter or write your own and send to  and cc. your city council rep as the proposals then head to our city council for review.


In 2023, the Washington State Legislature adopted House Bill 1110, often referred to as the "middle housing" bill. HB1110 requires many cities in the state to allow a broader range of housing types in areas that have allowed predominantly detached homes.

In October 2024, Seattle Mayor Harrell proposed a growth strategy now called the One Seattle Plan. That plan is made to comply with the state-mandated increased housing density requirements from HB1110. The plan is open to is open to public comment until December 20, 2024. After that the review will take place and the City Council will vote in May 2025. And the State Legislation will have a final vote in June 2025.


Madison Park is one of 30 proposed new "Neighborhood Centers". They are deemed suitable for residential and mixed-use buildings up to 6 stories in the core. In Madison Park, it would mean the commercial 3 blocks could be built taller--up to 65 feet. The block of 41st E north of Bert's could go to 4 stories-40 feet (Lowrise 2) with multifamily development on the west side and 5 stories-5O feet (Lowrise 3) with multifamily on the east.

Now the height restriction is only 30 feet on most lots. There are approximately 6 more blocks of the 5-story zoning proposed around the commercial area and the park.

Light brown is 3 stories, townhouse-style

Medium brown is 4 stories- zoned to ~40’

Dark brown is 5 stories- zoned to ~50’ 

Orange is the commercial district- zoned to 65’ height.

Gray is unchanged

There are many questions about how much of the lot could be covered. The majority of the lots in the Madison Park proposal are 40'x 100'. All of this is subject to confirmation, not set in stone. 

Attached is one example proposal from W Seattle on a 40'x96' lot- showing how three dwelling units could be built on it. The ground-level open space(= yard) is only required to be 20% of the lot, or 8' x 100' on each lot, or one 8' strip along one side. The rest is building and walkways. The building would be setback from the boundaries by a minimum of just 5' on each side, except an alley, which would have zero setback.

No off-street parking will be required within a half-mile of bus rapid transit stops or light rail stops. 1 parking spot will be required for every two dwelling units, ADUs will be exempted from parking requirements.

Growth will come to Madison Park- how it is managed will hopefully not sneak up on our community but proceed in tandem with our community planning.

You can view a past information session or request a virtual office meeting HERE. Go to "District 3" Zoning Changes HERE to learn more. And again,

Here is a sample letter from a neighbor. Please adapt this letter or your own and send to and cc. your city council rep as the proposals then head to our city council for review. The DEADLINE is December 20, 2024.


*** The survey for the Farmer’s Market will end December 15th, Please respond now if you haven’t already.

*** The sign-ups for the Wreath Making Class are still open; Sign-up HERE.

*** DON’T FEED THE RACOONS! They are tearing up the North Beach lawns. The Parks Dept. is sending out help.

*** New crosswalk signs have replaced the battered ones on East Madison at McGilvra. Interested in helping us get more robust signage for ur crosswalks? Volunteer HERE.

Join Us for all the Activities in December and Little Beats Concert December 7th at 11 at Pioneer Hall!


